Union County administers the subdivision process for properties in Hemby Bridge or properties outside of a municipality. Visit GoMAPS to check the location of your property and review the Unified Development Ordinance to review development standards.


Step 1 - Where is the property located?
Step 2 - Are you creating 10+ acre lots?
Step 3 - Will you install roads or water/sewer lines?
Step 4 - How many lots are you creating?

Minor Subdivision

The minor subdivision process is much faster than the one for a major subdivision.
Your plat will be reviewed to ensure the plat has the appropriate details to allow it to be recorded in the Register of Deeds. This review typically takes one week.


Major Subdivision

The major subdivision review process can take several months to complete, and involves three phases.

  1. Sketch plan
  2. Preliminary plan
  3. Final plat