“But I’m just going a short way, and I won’t be driving fast.”
Even if you are driving slowly for just a couple of blocks, you are still required to secure your load. The law is clear: every vehicle that travels on every publicly maintained road must have a secured load. The requirement to secure loads is North Carolina Code - General Statutes §20-116. Size of vehicles and loads. (g)(1) No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless the vehicle is constructed and loaded to prevent any of its load from falling, blowing, dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom, and the vehicle shall not contain any holes, cracks or openings through which any of its load may escape.
“But what I’m hauling is so heavy it couldn’t possibly fall out.”
Just because you can’t imagine it happening doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Each year, heavy items such as large truck tires, spools of wire and large pieces of wood fall from vehicles and end up on our roadways creating hazards for motorists. Take the time to always secure your load.
“But my load is below the top of the truck bed.”
Even with a small load, items can shift and become loose or airborne. Don’t risk it – secure your load.