Union County, NC
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During this process, the public had multiple opportunities to learn about the process and provide their input. There were six subcommittees that focused on specific aspects of the plan and one coordinating committee that considered input from each of the subcommittees to make overall recommendations to the Union County Planning Board and Board of Commissioners. Each of these committee meetings were open to the public, and had limited formal public comment periods.
The subcommittee descriptions are listed below:
- Citizens: Broadest of the groups. Any Union County resident could serve on this committee. Need an open perspective and not be a single-topic representative
- Agriculture: Farmers, forestry, and related industries
- Municipal/County Planning Staff: Limited to planning staff from each of the municipalities and the county. These members serve as liaisons to the municipalities
- Environmental/Stormwater: Environmental protection and mitigation advocates, staff and experts
- Developer/Business: Land developers, builders, real estate agents, chamber of commerce, economic development and related representatives
- Infrastructure: Schools, water/sewer, and transportation experts and representatives
Coordinating Committee: Representatives from all subcommittees plus five commission-appointed members
There were community meetings held at three points in the process: in the beginning to help establish a vision to meet through the comprehensive plan recommendations, in the middle to review several alternative scenarios of how to implement the vision, and at the end where the preferred scenario and set of recommendations were presented for feedback.
Union County planning staff were available to attend and present plan update materials to community and business groups throughout the county. We are still willing to present on the County's plan. If your neighborhood, municipality, business, or other organization would like a presentation at your meeting, please email Lee Jenson, Union County Planning Director, to request a presentation.